Steps for Starting a Roofing Company

If you’re a roofing company, you know the importance of following a systematic process. Without a system in place, you’ll have trouble tracking expenses, onboarding new employees, and managing new leads. Disorganized companies tend to flop, which is why it’s vital to establish a system from day one. Consider the following steps for starting a roofing company:

Know the type of roof you have

Some roofing companies offer other home improvement services, such as gutters and siding, while others are strictly roofing. Knowing the type of roof you have can help you decide what company you’ll hire. For example, a general roofing contractor can fix a small leaky roof, while a specialist can handle a large roofing project. It’s best to find one company that can handle both your roof repair and your exterior home improvement project.

Know their reputation

Look for companies with good reputations and a number of positive reviews from satisfied customers. Also, don’t be shy about seeking out a roofing company if you’re unsure about their service. Even new businesses can do good work if they’re established, so don’t be shy about asking around. You should also set up an appointment to meet with representatives of each company so you can ask questions about the process, materials, and warranties.


Look for a company that has been certified by a reputable certification program. Most roofing companies take certification seriously and only select a few that have earned it. There are also several other roofing companies waiting to take certification from the same contractor. Whether you’re looking for a contractor in Baton Rouge or across the country, it’s worth it to read reviews about local roofing services. It’s possible to make an informed decision based on these factors.

Availability of financing

A roofing company may partner with a home improvement finance company. This option is great for homeowners looking for financing. Roofing contractors can often complete a roof replacement in one day. Homes with larger roofs or steep ridges will take more time. Also, the total time to complete the project depends on weather conditions. The sooner you start the financing process, the better your chances of success. You should also check out the terms and conditions of different types of financing.

In addition to licenses, a contractor should also be insured. Depending on the size of the job, a roofing company must carry general liability, workman’s compensation, and company vehicle insurance. When choosing a roofing contractor, ask for a copy of their insurance policies and warranties. Most reputable roofing companies will tell you upfront what licenses they need. If you are unsure, make sure you ask a company representative about this.

When selecting a roofing company, consider a home inspection program. These programs help companies build relationships with customers. If something goes wrong, these professionals are often the first to call. If you’re lucky, you’ll even be able to pass this service on to another homeowner. Having a plan in place is also a great way to avoid being taken advantage of. It’s the same principle with home insurance claims. In the end, you’ll be happy that you made the right choice.

As a roofing company, you’ll have the ability to introduce recurring revenue models. The HVAC industry has successfully embraced recurring revenue models, including an annual recurring component. Customers benefit from such a plan because they get peace of mind, which is important to their wallets. A service provider can offer annual inspections and preventative maintenance before winter and summer, change filters, and repair broken equipment. These are just some of the benefits of recurring revenue models.